Advanced Design, Fabrication, and Testing
January 3 to January 20, 1966
January 3
An OMSF memorandum spelled out operational constraints for
Apollo experimenters to prevent experiment-generated operational problems. The
author, E. E. Christensen, investigated the area at the request of NASA
Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller and developed
some general conclusions, based on experience gained in the Gemini experiments
Christensen said the following items should be considered:
- The experimenter should be required to produce all hardware and paperwork
on schedule or resign himself to the fact that the experiment would be
deferred to a later flight.
- Training hardware should be identical to flight hardware except for flight
certification documentation.
- The experimenter should be informed that control fuel and power resources
are limited aboard the spacecraft and his requirements should specify minimum
- The experimenter should be informed that recording and telemetry
facilities are definitely limited and he should provide for alternate modes of
data collection.
- The experimenter should be requested to submit, as early as possible,
detailed operational requirements, including timeline data, to MSC for
inclusion in the flight plan and to allow a maximum time for solution of
operational problems.
- The experimenter should indicate both minimum and optimum experiment data
requirements to allow mission planners some latitude in mission design.
- The experimenter should be informed that every effort would be made to fly
assigned experiments, but that certain prime mission requirements might be
generated in flight and take precedence. In this event NASA would make every
effort to reassign a deleted experiment to a later mission.
- The experimenter should be informed that flight crew prime mission time
demands can be exacting and that experiments requiring conscious efforts on
the part of the crew may have to be compromised so as not to interfere with
primary mission objectives.
Christensen suggested that NASA
Headquarters could assist by providing guidance to MSC regarding the assignment
of experiment priorities on each mission and the extent of allowable degradation
of experimentation. He indicated that he felt the following experiments appeared
to contain potential operational problems: S5, Synoptic Terrain Photography;
M9A, Human Otolith Function; S14, Frog Otolith Function; S16, Trapped Particles
Asymmetry; S17, X-ray Astronomy; and S18, Micrometeorite Collection.
Memorandum, Christensen to Director, Apollo Program, "Operational constraints
for Apollo experiments/ experimenters," January 3, 1966.
January 3
MSC directed International Latex Corporation to use the
following cross section of materials in fabricating the A6L thermal meteoroid
garment, outside to inside: One layer of six-ounce Nomex cloth; seven layers of
H.R.C. super-insulation, starting with one-fourth mil aluminized mylar and
alternating with 1.5-mil unwoven dacron spacers; two layers of seven-ounce
neoprene rip stop nylon (one side coated with neoprene).
TWX, Richard S. Johnston, MSC, to International Latex Corporation, January 3,
1966; TWX, Richard S. Johnston, MSC, to International Latex Corporation, January
20, 1966.
January 3
Contractor personnel began an exercise to identify problem
areas associated with activity within the LEM. Subjects using pressurized suits
and portable life support systems ran through various cockpit procedures in the
LEM mockup. Evaluations would continue during the week of January 10, using
astronauts. The purpose of the exercise was to identify and gather data on
problem areas in support of the Critical Design Review scheduled to be held at
Grumman in late January.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, December 30, 1965-January 6, 1966."
January 3-7
The Preliminary Design Review for the Block II pressure
garment assembly was held at International Latex Corporation.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 6-13, 1966."
January 3-14
The LEM landing gear subsystem was reviewed during the LEM
Critical Design Review at MSC and Grumman. The review disclosed no major design
inadequacies of the landing gear. The review included: lunar landing
performance, structural and mechanical design, structural and thermal analysis,
overall subsystem test program including results of tests to date, and
conformance of landing gear design to LEM specifications.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 20-27, 1965."
January 5
The Apollo Joint Operations Group (JOG) was disestablished by
its cochairmen. JOG had been established in February 1964 to exchange up-to-
date status information on operational problems and to provide a means for their
Subsequent to the establishment of JOG, responsibility for the Panel Review
Board was transferred to the Apollo Program Director, and the Operations
Management Group and Operations Executive Group were established. Those
activities satisfied the requirements of both the Apollo Program Director and
Mission Operations Director and provided the operational problem status and
solution capability.
Letter, from Chairmen, Apollo Joint Operations Group, to Permanent
Membership, Apollo Joint Operations Group, "Disestablishment of the Apollo Joint
Operations Group," sgd. Samuel C. Phillips and E. E. Christensen, January 5,
January 6-13
The 500-second limitation for the Block I service
propulsion system SPS engine qualification program was increased to 600 seconds
for the last three altitude qualification tests. The spacecraft 020 SPS mission
duty cycle required a 310-second burn and a 205-second burn. Discussions with
Systems Engineering Division indicated that the long SPS burns were needed to
support a full-duration S-IVB mission and there was little likelihood the
requirement could be modified. The Block II engine delivery schedules prohibited
obtaining a Block II engine in time to support spacecraft 020.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 6-13, 1966."
January 6-13
Apparently the only available spacecraft-LEM-adapter SLA
thermal coating material which would meet the emissivity requirements for LEM
flights was 24-carat gold. North American Tulsa, Oklahoma was predicting 18-week
and 10-week schedule slips, respectively, for the first two Block 11 SLAs and a
$10-12 million cost impact. A meeting would be held at Tulsa January 17 between
North American, Grumman, and MSC to determine the course of the action to be
January 7
George M. Low, Deputy Director of MSC, outlined the general
purpose and plans for the Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory during a telephone
conversation with Oran W. Nicks, NASA Director of Lunar and Planetary Programs:
- The Laboratory would prepare the sample boxes which would be sent to the
moon on Apollo missions for the collection of samples.
- These boxes with enclosed samples would be returned to the facility where
they could be opened in the desired vacuum environment.
- The facility could provide a capability for low level radiation counting
and other urgent examinations.
- Samples would be prepared in the facility for distribution to scientists
around the country and abroad who would have previously been selected to
conduct analyses.
- The facility would serve as a repository for the sample material, and its
personnel would act as curators for the samples and scientific data generated.
- A modicum of Laboratory facilities would be available for use by guest
investigators who wished to study samples for special purposes at MSC.
- The sample facility would incorporate a quarantine section to properly
assay the lunar materials, and to ensure preventing contamination on earth. In
addition, it was probable that astronaut quarantine accommodations would be an
adjunct to the currently conceived facility.
Memorandum, Director,
Lunar and Planetary Programs, to Distr., "Telephone Conversation with Mr. George
Low on January 7, 1966, re Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory," January 10, 1966.
January 8-11
The first fuel cell system test at White Sands Test
Facility was conducted successfully. Primary objectives were: 1 to verify the
capability of the ground support equipment and operational checkout procedure to
start up, operate, and shut down a single fuel cell power plant; and 2 to
evaluate fuel cell operations during cold gimbaling of the service propulsion
TWX, Martin L. Raines, Manager MSC WSTF, to MSC, "Preliminary Report, First
Fuel Cell System Test at WSTF," January 11, 1966.
January 10
Soviet life-support systems used in Vostok and Voskhod
spacecraft appeared to use a sodium superoxide compound as a source of oxygen,
A. W. Petrocelli, General Dynamics Corporation, told Missiles and
Rockets. Petrocelli estimated the Russians had published three times more
basic research papers than U.S. scientists on these materials and were
continuing efforts to improve life-support systems by studying compounds such as
new superoxides, peroxides, and ozonides. He also said they were searching for
better carbon dioxide absorbers.
Missiles and Rockets, p. 33, January 10, 1966.
January 13
A decision made at a Program Management Review eliminated the
requirement for a land impact program for the CM to support Block I flights.
Post-abort CM land impact for Saturn IB launches had been eliminated from
Complex 37 by changes to the sequence timers in the launch escape system abort
mode. The Certification Test Specification and related Certification Test
Requirements would reflect the new Block II land impact requirements.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 20-27, 1965."
January 13-20
Mission requirements for AS-503 were reviewed to determine
if the LEM test objectives which caused the crew to be in the LEM at high
altitudes (3,704 to 12,964 km [2,000 to 7,000 nm]) could be deleted. The reason
for keeping the crew out of the LEM at those altitudes was the possibility they
might be exposed to a total radiation dose which might prevent them from flying
a later lunar mission.
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 13-20, 1965."
January 13-20
The service propulsion subsystem (SPS) maximum total burn
time was set at 515 sec for Mission AS-502, instead of 385 sec. The higher limit
was expected to be attained due to the Block I testing burn time being extended
to 600 sec. An SPS propellant loading of 16,783 kg (37,000 lbs) and the 515-sec
burn limit had been included in the Apollo Mission Data Specifications, which
was in the publication cycle for support of the AS-502 Reference Trajectory.
January 13-20
The LEM electrical power system use of the primary
structure as the electrical ground return was approved after Grumman
presentations were made to ASPO and Engineering and Development personnel. The
descent-stage batteries would not use a descent-stage structure ground to
preclude current flow through the pyrotechnic interstage nut and bolt
assemblies. The ascent and descent stage batteries would be grounded to primary
structure in the near vicinity of the ascent-stage batteries. In addition,
several selected manually operated solenoids would ground. All other subsystems
would remain grounded to the "single-point" vehicle ground. This change would be
implemented by Grumman with no cost or schedule impact and would effect a weight
savings of approximately 7.7 kg (17 lbs).
January 13-27
Hamilton Standard Division was directed by Crew Systems
Division to use a 2.27-kg (5-lbs) battery for all flight hardware if the power
inputs indicated that it would meet the four-hr mission. The battery on order
currently weighed 2.44 kg (5.4 lbs). This resulted in an inert weight saving of
l.45 kg (3.2 lbs) and a total saving on the LEM and CSM of 5.44 kg (12 lbs).
MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 20-27, 1965."
January 14
The Grumman contract revision, converting the contract to
cost-plus-incentive-fee, was signed. The period of the contract was extended
through December 1969.
"Quarterly Progress Report No. 1," LPR-10-52, p. 2.
January 20
Apollo Mission A-004 was successfully accomplished at White
Sands Missile Range. This was the first flight test utilizing the Apollo Block I
type spacecraft and the sixth and final test of the Apollo CSM development
program at WSMR. Primary test objectives were:
- to demonstrate satisfactory launch escape vehicle performance for an abort
in the power-on, tumbling boundary region; and
- to demonstrate the structural integrity of the launch escape vehicle
airframe for an abort in the power-on, tumbling boundary region. The Little
Joe II launch vehicle boosted the 4,536-kg 5-ton unmanned spacecraft to a
24-km (15-mi) altitude.
The only significant anomaly recorded was loss
of RE telemetry about two seconds after abort.
TWX, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, to Distr., "MSC Apollo Mission
A-004 (LJ II/SC 002) flight status," sgd. John Lobb for Joseph F. Shea, January
22, 1966; MSC, "ASPO Weekly Management Report, January 20-27, 1965."