Part 2 (K)
Recovery, Spacecraft Redefinition, and First Manned Apollo Flight
April 1968
April 2
NASA Hq. confirmed oral instructions to MSC and KSC to use 60
percent oxygen and 40 percent nitrogen to pressurize the Apollo CM cabin in
prelaunch checkout operations and during manned chamber testing, as recommended
by the Design Certification Review Board on March 7 and confirmed by the NASA
Administrator on March 12. This instruction was applicable to flight and test
articles at all locations.
TWX, Samuel C. Phillips to MSC, Attn: G. M. Low and KSC, Attn: R. O.
Middleton, April 2, 1968.
April 2
Eberhard F. M. Rees, Director of the Special Task Team at North
American Rockwell, spearheaded a design review of the CM water sterilization
system at Downey, Calif. (The review had resulted as an action item from the
March 21 Configuration Control Board meeting in Downey.) Rees and a team of
North American engineers reviewed the design of the system and test results and
problems to date. Chief among performance concerns seemed to be compatibility of
the chlorine solution with several materials in the system, maximum allowable
concentration of chlorine in the water supply from the medical aspect, and
contamination of the system during storage, handling, and filling. Assuming
North American's successful completion of qualification testing and attention to
the foregoing action items, said Rees, the system design was judged
Ltr., Dale D. Myers to George M. Low, April 8, 1968, with encl., "CSM Water
Sterilization System CDR, April 2, 1968."
April 4
Apollo 6 (AS-502) was launched from Complex 39A at
Kennedy Space Center. The space vehicle consisted of a Saturn V launch vehicle
with an unmanned, modified Block I command and service module (CSM 020) and a
lunar module test article (LTA-2R).
Liftoff at 7:00 a.m. EST was normal but, during the first-stage (S-IC) boost
phase, oscillations and abrupt measurement changes were observed. During the
second-stage (S-II) boost phase, two of the J-2 engines shut down early and the
remaining three were extended approximately one minute to compensate. The third
stage (S-IVB) firing was also longer than planned and at termination of thrust
the orbit was 177.7 x 362.9 kilometers rather than the 160.9-kilometer
near-circular orbit planned. The attempt to reignite the S-IVB engine for the
translunar injection was unsuccessful. Reentry speed was 10 kilometers per
second rather than the planned 11.1, and the spacecraft landed 90.7 kilometers
uprange of the targeted landing point.
The most significant spacecraft anomaly occurred at about 2 minutes 13
seconds after liftoff, when abrupt changes were indicated by strain, vibration,
and acceleration measurements in the S-IVB, instrument unit, adapter, lunar
module test article, and CSM. Apparently oscillations induced by the launch
vehicle exceeded the spacecraft design criteria.
The second-stage (S-II) burn was normal until about 4 minutes 38 seconds
after liftoff; then difficulties were recorded. Engine 2 cutoff was recorded
about 6 minutes 53 seconds into the flight and engine 3 cutoff less than 3
seconds later. The remaining second-stage engines shut down at 9 minutes 36
seconds - 58 seconds later than planned.
The S-IVB engine during its first burn, which was normal, operated 29 seconds
longer than programmed. After two revolutions in a parking orbit, during which
the systems were checked, operational tests performed, and several attitude
maneuvers made, preparations were completed for the S-IVB engine restart. The
firing was scheduled to occur on the Cape Kennedy pass at the end of the second
revolution, but could not be accomplished. A ground command was sent to the CSM
to carry out a planned alternate mission, and the CSM separated from the S-IVB
A service propulsion system (SPS) engine firing sequence resulted in a
442-second burn and an accompanying free-return orbit of 22,259.1 x 33.3
kilometers. Since the SPS was used to attain the desired high apogee, there was
insufficient propellant left to gain the high-velocity increase desired for the
entry. For this reason, a complete firing sequence was performed except that the
thrust was inhibited.
Parachute deployment was normal and the spacecraft landed about 9 hours 50
minutes after liftoff, in the mid-Pacific, 90.7 kilometers uprange from the
predicted landing area. A normal retrieval was made by the U.S.S.
Okinawa, with waves of 2.1 to 2.4 meters.
The spacecraft was in good condition, including the unified crew hatch, flown
for the first time. Charring of the thermal protection was about the same as
that experienced on the Apollo 4 spacecraft (CM 017).
Of the five primary objectives, three - demonstrating separation of launch
vehicle stages, performance of the emergency detection system (EDS) in a
close-loop mode, and mission support facilities and operations - were achieved.
Only partially achieved were the objectives of confirming structure and thermal
integrity, compatibility of launch vehicle and spacecraft, and launch loads and
dynamic characteristics; and of verifying operation of launch vehicle
propulsion, guidance and control, and electrical systems. Apollo 6, therefore,
was officially judged in December as "not a success in accordance with . . .
NASA mission objectives."
Memos, Chief, Landing and Recovery Div. to Director of Flight Operations,
MSC, "Apollo 6 preliminary recovery information," April 5, 1968; Apollo Program
Director Samuel C. Phillips to Administrator, NASA, "Apollo 6 Mission (AS-502)
Post Launch Report #1," April 18, 1968, with attachment, "Post Launch Mission
Operation Report No. M-932-68-06"; Phillips to Acting Administrator, "Apollo 6
Mission (AS-502) Post Launch Report #2," Dec 27, 1968; "Apollo 6 Mission
Report," prepared by Apollo 6 Mission Evaluation Team, approved by George M.
Low, June 1968.
April 4
Howard W. Tindall, Jr., Chief of Apollo Data Priority
Coordination, reported that several meetings devoted to the question of the LM's
status immediately after touching down on the lunar surface, had reached
agreement on several operational techniques for a "go/no go" decision.
Basically, the period immediately after landing constituted a system evaluation
phase (in which both crew and ground controllers assessed the spacecraft's
status) - a period of about two minutes, during which immediate abort and ascent
was possible. Given a decision at that point not to abort, the crew would then
remove the guidance system from the descent mode and proceed with the normal
ascent-powered flight program (and an immediate abort was no longer possible).
Assuming permission to stay beyond this initial "make ready" phase, the crew
would then carry out most of the normal procedures required to launch when the
CM next passed over the landing site (some two hours later).
Memo, Tindall to distr., "Mission techniques for the LM lunar stay go/no go,"
April 4, 1968.
April 5-7
Astronauts James A. Lovell, Jr., Stuart A. Roosa, and Charles
M. Duke, Jr., participated in a recovery test of spacecraft 007, conducted by
the MSC Landing and Recovery Division in the Gulf of Mexico. The test crew
reported that while they did not "recommend the Apollo spacecraft for any
extended sea voyages they encountered no serious habitability problems during
the 48-hour test. If a comparison can be made, the interior configurations and
seaworthiness make the Apollo spacecraft a much better vessel than the Gemini
spacecraft." The following conclusions were reached:
- The Apollo spacecraft, as represented by spacecraft 007 and under ambient
conditions tested, was suitable for a 48-hour delayed recovery.
- The interference between the survival radio beacon and VHF communications
was unsatisfactory. Spacecraft to aircraft communication ranges seemed
unusually low.
- There was no requirement for the seawater hand pump.
Memo, Donald
K. Slayton to Director of Flight Operations, "Crew report on 48-hour recovery
test of spacecraft 007 on April 5-7, 1968," April 12, 1968.
April 10
The Apollo spacecraft Configuration Control Board (CCB) had
endorsed changes in lunar orbit insertion and LM extraction on the lunar mission
flight profile, the MSC Director notified the Apollo Program Director. ASPO had
reviewed the changes with William Schneider of NASA OMSF the same day and
Schneider was to present the changes to George E. Mueller and Samuel C. Phillips
for approval.
The two-burn lunar orbit insertion (LOI) was an operational procedure to
desensitize the maneuver to system uncertainties and would allow for
optimization of a lunar orbit trim burn. The procedure would be used for lunar
orbit and lunar landing missions. The spacecraft lunar-adapter spring-ejection
system was required to ensure adequate clearance during separation of the LM/CSM
from the S-IVB/instrument unit and would be used on the first manned CSM/LM
Ltr., Robert R. Gilruth to Phillips, "Proposed changes to Lunar Orbit
Insertion and LM extraction on the Lunar Mission Flight Profile," April 10,
April 10
A TV camera would be carried in CM 101 on the first manned
Apollo flight, Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, wrote the ASPO
Manager (confirming their discussions). Incorporation and use of the camera in
CM 101 would conform to the following ground rules:
- The TV camera and associated hardware would be installed at KSC with no
impact on launch schedule;
- the camera would be stowed during the launch phase;
- a mounting bracket for the camera would be provided in the CM to permit
simultaneous viewing of all three couch assemblies, for use in monitoring
prelaunch hazardous tests and in flight;
- the camera could be hand-held for viewing outside the CM during flight;
- use of the camera would not be specified on the astronaut's flight
planning timeline of essential activities but would be incorporated in the
mission as time and opportunity would permit.
Ltr., Director, Apollo
Program, NASA OMSF, to Manager ASPO, "Apollo On-Board TV," April 10, 1968.
April 12
A number of decisions were made at the completion of a
parachute review at Northrop-Ventura:
- The spacecraft 101 parachute system would be flown without further
- A higher drogue-mortar muzzle velocity would be planned, with a possible
effectivity for spacecraft 103. North American Rockwell would determine what
ground tests were required, when flight hardware would be ready, and what
additional qualification tests were needed.
- Proposed Northrop-Ventura changes in drogue riser size and riser length
would be considered only for design and ground testing activities.
- North American would propose to NASA an augmented confidence-level test
- For follow-on work, NASA would contract directly with Northrop- Ventura
only for analytical work (all test effort would be contracted through North
- Northrop-Ventura would examine the swagged fittings to determine whether a
possible stress corrosion problem might exist.
- Northrop-Ventura would obtain sufficient documentary photography during
parachute packing for manned flight vehicles to provide subsequent quality
- Northrop-Ventura would prepare a package depicting the flight and design
envelope of the parachutes, together with tests already achieved and tests
- Finn direction to Northrop-Ventura in all applicable areas would be
provided by North American.
Memo, George M. Low to Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht, "Action items from the Northrop Ventura meeting," April 15, 1968.
April 12
Apollo Special Task Team Director Eberhard Rees wrote Dale D.
Myers at North American Rockwell: "As you are well aware, many manhours have
been spent investigating and discussing the radially cracked insulation on wire
supplied by Haveg Industries. On March 27, 1968, NR [North American Rockwell]
made a presentation on this problem and reported the action taken to correct the
problem and to prevent defective wire from being used. . . . It was disturbing
to me to learn that with all the additional actions. . . cracked insulation
again was found, this time during the manufacture of harnesses for C/M 110, 111,
112 and S/M 111. This raises the question as to whether the total problem has
really been identified and whether or not sufficient corrective action has been
taken. . . ." Rees then requested a reply to 10 questions he submitted as to
reasons for the problem and possible actions that might be taken.
Ltr., Rees to Myers, April 12, 1968.
April 16
A meeting at MSC with Irving Pinkel of Lewis Research Center
and Robert Van Dolah of the Bureau of Mines reviewed results of boilerplate 1224
tests at 11.4 newtons per square centimeter (16.5 pounds per square inch) in a
60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen atmosphere. (Both Pinkel and Van Dolah
had been members of the Apollo 204 Review Board. Others attending were Jerry
Craig, Richard Johnston, and George Abbey, all of MSC; and George Gill and Fred
Yeamans, both of GE.) The total boilerplate 1224 test program was reviewed as
well as test results at 11 newtons per sq cm (16 psi) in 60 percent oxygen and
40 percent nitrogen and also in 95 percent oxygen. Both Pinkel and Van Dolah
agreed with the MSC position that the tests proved the spacecraft was qualified
for testing and flight in the 60-40 environment. They expressed the opinion that
the 60-40 atmosphere seemed a reasonable compromise between flammability,
physiological, and operational considerations.
Memo, Chief, Thermodynamics and Materials Br., to Chief, Systems Engineering
Div., "Review of BP 1224 test data with I. Pinkel and R. Van Dolah," April 19,
April 17
MSC Engineering and Development Director Maxime Faget reported
to George Low that his directorate had investigated numerous radiation
detectors, ionization particle detectors, and chemical reactive detectors. The
directorate had also obtained information from outside sources such as the
National Bureau of Standards, Mine Safety Appliances, Parmalee Plastics,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and the Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory
organization. None of the methods investigated could meet the stated
requirements for a spacecraft fire detection system.
Memo, Faget to Low, "Status of development effort for fire detection system,"
April 17, 1968.
April 17
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth recommended to NASA Associate
Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller that MSC's Sigurd A.
Sjoberg be approved as the U.S. Representative to the International Committee
for Aeronautics of the Fdration Atique Internationale. Robert Dillaway of North
American Rockwell, who had been serving as U.S. Representative, had accepted a
position with the Navy and recommended Sjoberg to James F. Nields, President of
the National Aeronautic Association, and to Major General Brooke F. Allen,
Executive Director of the Association, and they had concurred in the
recommendation. NASA Hq. approved the request May 20.
Ltrs., Gilruth to Mueller, April 17, 1968; Mueller to Gilruth, May 20, 1968.
April 18
Two major requirements existed for further service propulsion
system (SPS) testing at the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), ASPO
Manager George M. Low advised Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips. First,
the LM docking structure was marginal at peak SPS start transient. While
evaluation of the redesigned docking mechanism was under way, final hardware
design and production could not be completed until positive identification of
the start transient was made through the AEDC test series. Secondly, a modified
engine valve had been incorporated into the SPS for CSM 101, which thus
necessitated further certification testing before flight (comprising sea-level
static firings, simulated altitude firings, and component endurance tests). Low
emphasized the need to complete this testing as soon as possible, to isolate any
potential problems.
Ltr., Low to Phillips, April 18, 1968.
April 22
ASPO Manager George M. Low advised top officials in
Headquarters, MSFC, and KSC that he was recommending the use of 100 percent
oxygen in the cabin of the LM at launch. MSC had reached this decision, Low
said, after thorough evaluation of system capabilities, requirements, safety,
and crew procedures. The selection of pure oxygen was based on several important
factors: reduced demand on the CSM's oxygen supply by some 2.7 kilograms;
simplified crew procedures; the capability for immediate return to earth during
earth-orbital missions in which docking was performed; and safe physiological
characteristics. All of these factors, the ASPO Chief stated, outweighed the
flammability question. Because the LM was unmanned on the pad, there was little
electrical power in the vehicle at launch and therefore few ignition sources.
Further, the adapter was filled with inert nitrogen and the danger of a
hazardous condition was therefore minimal. Also, temperature and pressure
sensors inside the LM could be used for fire detection, and fire could be fought
while the mobile service structure was in place. As a result, Low stated, use of
oxygen in the LM on the pad posed no more of a hazard than did hypergolics and
liquid hydrogen and oxygen.
Ltr., Low to Samuel C. Phillips, R. O. Middleton, KSC, and Arthur Rudolph,
MSFC, April 22, 1968.
April 22
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth observed that the Engineering
and Development Directorate would be conducting two thermal-vacuum test programs
during the next several months, following the April 9 shipment of the Block II
thermal vacuum test article 2TV-1 to MSC from Downey. (The second test article
was the LM counterpart, LTA-8.) Both programs were of major importance, Gilruth
told his organization. However, because the 2TV-1 test program directly
supported - and constrained - the first manned Apollo mission, he said that, in
the event of any conflict between the two test programs, 2TV-1 had clear
Memo, Gilruth to distr., "Program Priority," April 22, 1968.
April 23
ASPO Manager George M. Low requested Joseph N. Kotanchik to
establish a task team to pull together all participants in the dynamic analysis
of the Saturn V and boost environment. He suggested that Donald C. Wade should
lead the effort and that he should work with George Jeffs of North American
Rockwell, Tom Kelly of Grumman and Wayne Klopfenstein of Boeing, and that Lee
James of MSFC could be contacted for any desired support or coordination. The
team would define the allowable oscillations at the interface of the
spacecraft-LM adapter with the instrument unit for the existing Block II
configuration, possible changes in the hardware to detune the CSM and the LM,
and the combined effects of pogo and the S-IC single-engine-out case. Low also
said he was establishing a task team under Richard Colonna to define a test
program related to the same problem area and felt that Wade and Colonna would
want to work together.
Memo, Low to J. N. Kotanchik through M. A. Faget, "CSM/LM/SLA dynamic
analysis," April 23, 1968.
April 27
NASA Administrator James E. Webb approved plans to proceed with
preparation of the third Saturn V space vehicle for a manned mission in the
fourth quarter of 1968. The planned mission was to follow the unmanned November
9, 1967, Apollo 4 and April 4, 1968, Apollo 6 flights,
launched on the first two Saturn V vehicles. NASA kept the option of flying
another unmanned mission if further analysis and testing indicated that was the
best course. Engineers had been working around the clock to determine causes of
and solutions to problems met on the Apollo 6 flight.
NASA News Release 68-81, "Manned Apollo Flight," April 29, 1968.
April 27
ASPO Manager George M. Low explained to the Apollo Program
Director the underlying causes of slips in CSM and LM delivery dates since
establishment of contract dates during the fall of 1967. The general excuse, Low
said, was that slips were the result of NASA-directed hardware changes. "This
excuse is not valid." He recounted how NASA-imposed changes had been under
strict control and only essential changes had been approved by the MSC Level II
Configuration Control Board (CCB). For early spacecraft (CSM 101 and 103 and
LM-3), the CCB had agreed some six months earlier that only flight safety
changes woul be approved. To achieve firm understandings with the two prime
spacecraft contractors regarding the responsibilities for schedule slips, Low
had asked MSC procurement expert Dave W. Lang to negotiate new contract delivery
dates based on changes since the last round of negotiations. These negotiations
with North American Rockwell were now completed. (Talks at Grumman had not yet
started.) Despite a leniency in the negotiations on early spacecraft, Low said,
results clearly indicated that most schedule delays were attributable to North
American and not to NASA. On 2TV-1, for example, delivered two months late,
analysis proved that less than three weeks of this delay derived from
customer-dictated changes. The situation for CSM 101, though not yet delivered,
was comparable. Moreover, a similar situation existed within the LM program:
LM-3 would be delivered some five weeks behind the contract date, with only two
of those weeks caused by NASA changes. Despite this attempt to set the record
straight regarding schedule slippages, Low stressed that he did not wish to be
over critical of the contractors' performance. Because schedules over the past
year had been based on three-shift, seven-day-per-week operation, little or no
time existed for troubleshooting and "make work', changes that inevitably
cropped up during checkout activities.
Ltr., Low to Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Hq., April 27, 1968.
April 30
ASPO was implementing actions recommended by Edgar M. Cortright
following his review of Apollo subsystem programs and visits to Apollo
subcontractors (see March 12), ASPO Manager George Low advised Apollo Program
Director Sam Phillips. These additional steps included further testing of
hardware (including "augmented" testing to define nominal and off-nominal
operating conditions better); better NASA overseeing of certification test
requirements and results; a reexamination by the Crew Safety Review Board of
system operating procedures, with emphasis on crew operations; closer
subcontractor participation in program decisionmaking, chiefly through the
proposed augmented tests and product improvement program; and greater emphasis
at the subcontractor plants on the manned flight awareness program.
Ltr., Low to Phillips, "Apollo Subcontractor Review," April 30, 1968.