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Part 1 (C)
Preparation for Flight, the Accident, and Investigation
July through September 1966
July 1
Melvyn Savage, Apollo Test Director in NASA Hq., was named to
head the Apollo Applications Program Test Directorate. LeRoy E. Day was named to
replace Savage in Apollo.
Note, John H. Disher, NASA OMSF, to Monte Wright, NASA History Office,
"Comments on Volume IV - The Apollo Spacecraft, Draft Copy," May 21, 1975.
Week Ending July 1
The Quarterly Program Review was held at Grumman by
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller and
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips. Attendees included MSC's Robert R.
Gilruth, Joseph F. Shea, and William A. Lee. The meeting focused on excessive
costs experienced by Grumman and Grumman President L. J. Evans's announcement of
the immediate establishment of a Program Control Office with a subcontract
manager reporting directly to Vice President Joseph Gavin. Hugh McCullough was
appointed to head the Program Control Office.
The next week Evans made the following appointments: Robert Mullaney was
relieved as Program Manager and appointed Assistant to Senior Vice President
George F. Titterton; William Rathke was relieved as Engineering Manager and
named Program Manager; Thomas Kelly was promoted from Assistant Engineering
Manager to Engineering Manager; and Brian Evans was relieved as corporate
Director of Quality Assurance and appointed LEM Subcontract Manager, reporting
to Gavin.
Memos, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and
Contracts Div., MSC, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending July 1,
1966," July 6, 1966; and "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending July
8, 1966," July 12, 1966.
July 1
Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., said
that MSC had been directed by NASA OMSF to outline technical problems and both
cost and schedule impact of adding three backup Apollo missions to the planned
flight schedule. The missions to be evaluated would be AS-207/208 or AS-206/207;
AS-503D; and AS-503F. Each of these missions would provide alternate means of
obtaining primary program objectives in the event of flight contingencies during
tests or of major schedule adjustments. They had been constructed using as much
of the primary mission characteristics as possible. The goal was to be able to
switch from a primary to a backup mission within three or four months before a
launch without any schedule slip. Kraft pointed out that it was unlikely that
additional funds would be available to cover the additional work and that it was
important to determine areas in the primary mission plan that would suffer from
either dilution or deletion should a decision be made to make these missions a
part of the test development program. Recognizing that a number of man-weeks of
effort would be required for adequate evaluation, Kraft requested that any
impact determined from inclusion of the flights in the test program be made
available at MSC for coordination and presentation to Apollo Program Director by
July 15.
Memo, Kraft to distr., "Evaluation of the technical problems, cost and
schedule impact of adding Apollo backup missions to the flight test programs,"
July 1, 1966.
July 5
AS-203 lifted off from Launch Complex 37, Eastern Test Range, at
10:53 a.m. EDT in the second of three Apollo-Saturn missions scheduled before
manned flight in the Apollo program. All objectives - to acquire flight data on
the S-IVB stage and instrument unit - were achieved.
The uprated Saturn I - consisting of an S-IB stage, S-IVB stage, and an
instrument unit - boosted an unmanned payload into an original orbit of 185 by
189 kilometers. The inboard engine cutoff of the first stage occurred after 2
minutes 18 seconds of flight and the outboard engine cutoff was 4 seconds later.
The S-IVB engine burned 4 minutes 50 seconds. No recovery was planned and the
payload was expected to enter the earth's atmosphere after about four days.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1966, (NASA SP-4007, 1967), p.
233; memos, Mission Director for Apollo-Saturn 203, "AS-203 Mission Director's
Post Mission Report," undated; Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight
to Administrator, "Apollo-Saturn Flight Mission AS-203, Post Launch Report No.
1" (Mission Operation Report M-932-66-02), July 15, 1966.
July 5
NASA requested assignment of three additional sanitary engineers
from the Public Health Service. Pointing out that one sanitary engineer had been
on detail to NASA since 1964 and that his effort had been directed primarily to
the control of outbound contamination, NASA said this problem and that of back
contamination had reached proportions that required a more intensified effort.
NASA would reimburse the Public Health Service under contract.
Ltr., Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., to William Stewart, Public
Health Service, July 5, 1966.
July 6
North American Aviation informed Grumman that it was closing out
its office at Grumman's Bethpage, N.Y., plant at the close of business on July
8. If study found that reestablishment of a Space and Information Division
resident representative at Bethpage was in the best interest of the program,
North American Aviation would comply.
TWX, North American Aviation, Space and Information Systems Div., Downey,
Calif., to Grumman, Bethpage, N.Y., July 6, 1966.
July 6
Homer E. Newell, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science
and Applications, told George E. Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight, that "the highest scientific priority for the Apollo
mission is for return to earth of lunar surface material." He added that the
material would have a higher scientific value for geologists if the location and
attitude of each sample were carefully noted and for the biologists if collected
in an aseptic manner. He suggested the following sequence:
- Collect an assortment of easily obtainable samples of any surface material
at the landing site. The grab samples would be placed in the LM for easy
packaging preparatory to return to earth for analysis if the planned stay time
on the lunar surface was cut short.
- Deploy the ALSEP.
- Perform the lunar geological equipment experiment, which was a detailed
geological and biological traverse by an astronaut. During this traverse both
representative and unusual rocks or formations should be photographed and
Ltr., Newell to Mueller, "Apollo Lunar Surface Scientific
Operational Procedure," July 6, 1966.
July 11
In reply to a letter from Grumman, MSC concurred with the
recommendation that a 135-centimeter lunar surface probe be provided on each
landing-leg footpad and that the engine cutoff logic retain its basic manual
mode. MSC did not concur with the Grumman recommendation to incorporate the
automatic engine cutoff logic in the LM design. MSC believed that the planned
descent-stage engine's manual cutoff landing mode was adequate to accomplish
lunar touchdown and had decided that the probe-actuated cutoff capability should
not be included in the LM design.
TWX, James L. Neal, MSC, to Grumman, Attn: R. S. Mullaney, "LM Lunar
Touchdown, Logic," July 11, 1966.
July 13
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton and
Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., told ASPO Manager
Joseph F. Shea: "A comprehensive examination of the Apollo missions leading to
the lunar landing indicates that there is a considerable discontinuity between
missions AS-205 and AS-207/208. Both missions AS-204 and AS-205 are essentially
long duration system validation flights. AS-207/208 is the first of a series of
very complicated missions. A valid operational requirement exists to include an
optical equal-period rendezvous on AS-205. The rendezvous would be similar to
the one initially planned for the Gemini VII flight using, in this
case, the S-IVB as the target vehicle." The maneuver would give the crew an
opportunity to examine the control dynamics, visibility, and piloting techniques
required to perform the basic AS-207/208 mission.
Memo, Slayton and Kraft to Shea, "Equal-Period Rendezvous for AS-205," July
13, 1966.
July 20
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth informed MSFC Director Wernher
von Braun that for the past two years MSC had studied the use of the mapping and
survey system (M&SS) in conjunction with the Apollo program. The system
objective would be lunar mapping and landing site certification, and management
responsibility was assigned to the MSC Experiments Program Office. System
parameters had been established and a decision made to configure the M&SS
hardware and supporting systems in a cylindrical container. The container - a
"payload module" - would be carried in the spacecraft-LM adapter in place of the
LM during the boost phase of flight. The payload module would have docking
capability with the CSM like the LM's and, in the docked mode, would map and
survey the moon in a programmed lunar orbit.
The M&SS experiment had already been funded by NASA OMSF and would
support five possible flights beginning with AS-504. Gilruth forwarded a
statement of work and requested MSFC to study it and furnish MSC a cost
estimate, technical proposal, and management plan by July 29.
Ltr., Gilruth to von Braun, July 20, 1966.
July 26
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., told the
Associate Administrators that it was NASA's fundamental policy that projects and
programs were best planned and executed when responsibilities were clearly
assigned to a management group. He then assigned full responsibility for Apollo
and Apollo Applications missions to the Office of Manned Space Flight. OMSF
would fund approved integral experiment hardware, provide the required Apollo
and Saturn systems, integrate the experiments with those systems, and plan and
execute the missions. Specific responsibility for developing and testing
individual experiments would be assigned on the basis of experiment complexity,
integration requirements, and relation to the prime mission objectives, by the
Office of Administrator after receiving recommendations from Associate
The Office of Space Science and Applications (OSSA) would be responsible for
selecting scientific experiments for manned missions and the experimenter teams
for data reduction, data analysis, and dissemination. OSSA would provide to OMSF
complete scientific requirements for each experiment selected for flight.
The Office of Advanced Research and Technology (OART) was assigned the
overall responsibility for the technology content of the NASA space flight
program and for selecting technology experiments for manned missions. OART would
provide OMSF complete technology requirements for each experiment selected for
flight. When appropriate, scientific and technical personnel would be located in
OMSF to provide a working interface with experimenters. The office responsible
for each experiment would determine the tracking and acquisition requirements
for each experiment; then OMSF would integrate the requirements for all
experiments and forward the total requirements to the Office of Tracking and
Data Acquisition.
Seamans also spelled out Center responsibilities for manned space flight
missions: MSFC, Apollo telescope mount; MSC, Apollo lunar surface experiment
package (ALSEP), lunar science experiments, earth resources experiments, and
life support systems; and Goddard Space Flight Center, atmospheric science,
meteorology, and astronomical science experiments.
Memo, Seamans to distr., "Management Responsibilities for Future Manned
Flight Activities," July 26, 1966.
July 28
NASA Hq. authorized MSC to proceed with opening bids on August 1
for Phase I construction of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. MSC was requested to
announce the name of the contractor selected for final negotiations for Phase II
construction, before opening bids for Phase I construction.
TWX, NASA Hq. to MSC, "Lunar Receiving Laboratory," July 28, 1966.
July 29
In response to a request from Apollo Program Director Samuel C.
Phillips, Bellcomm, Inc., prepared a memorandum on the major concerns resulting
from its review of the AC Electronics report on the Apollo Computer Design
Review. In a transmittal note to Phillips, I. M. Ross said, "We have discussed
these items with MSC. It is possible, however, that [Robert] Duncan and [Joseph]
Shea have not been made aware of these problems." The Bellcomm memorandum for
file, prepared by J. J. Rocchio, reported that in late February 1966 MSC had
authorized AC Electronics Division (ACED) to initiate a complete design review
of the Apollo guidance computer to ensure adequate performance during the lunar
landing mission. A June 8 ACED report presented findings and included
Massachusetts Institute of Technology comments on the findings. In addition to
recommending a number of specific design changes, the report identified a number
of areas which warranted further review. MSC authorized ACED to perform
necessary additional reviews to eliminate all indeterminate design analyses and
to resolve any discrepancies between the ACED and MIT positions. At the time
Bellcomm prepared the memo many of the problem areas had been or were in process
of being satisfactorily resolved. However, several still remained:
- MSC had not had the opportunity to review an approved version of the final
test method for the Block II/LM computer and as a result there was no official
acceptance test for computers at that point, although the first of the
flight-worthy computers had left the factory and the second was in final test
at the factory.
- The Design Review Report classified the timing margin of the Block II
computer as indeterminate, since the team was unable to make a detailed timing
analysis in the allotted time.
- Both Block I and Block II Apollo guidance computer programs had
experienced serious problems with parts qualification and with obtaining
semiconductor devices which could pass the flight processing specifications.
- The lack of adequate documentation to support the Block II computer and
its design was cited "as perhaps the most significant fault uncovered" by the
design review team.
Bellcomm, Inc., Memo for File, "Apollo Block II/LM
Guidance Computer - Case 330," sgd. J. J. Rocchio, July 29, 1966, note, Ross to
Phillips, July 29, 1966.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight George E. Mueller informed MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth that the MSC
Procurement Plan for procurement of three lunar landing training vehicles and
the proposed flight test program was approved.
Ltr., Mueller to Gilruth, Aug. 1, 1966.
August 1
NASA signed a supplemental agreement with Chrysler Corp.'s
Space Division at New Orleans, La., converting the uprated Saturn I first-stage
production contract from cost-plus-fixed-fee to cost-plus-incentive-fee. Under
the agreement, valued at $339 million, the amount of the contractor's fee would
be based on ability to perform assigned tasks satisfactorily and meet prescribed
costs and schedules. The contract called for Chrysler to manufacture, assemble
and test 12 uprated Saturn I first stages and provide system engineering,
integration support, ground support equipment, and launch services.
NASA News Release 66-201, "Agreement with Chrysler Converts Saturn I Contract
to Incentive-Type," Aug. 1, 1966.
August 3
The architect-engineer of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory,
Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, proposed using a much darker tint in the exterior
windows of the LRL than used in other buildings at MSC. J. G. Griffith, Chief of
the Engineering Office, inspected samples of the glass and reported:
- when the building is viewed from the exterior, the windows might seem
slightly darker than others at MSC.
- the ability of personnel inside to see through the glass was not
restricted but brightness was considerably reduced.
- c. heat transfer through the glass would be reduced by about 40 percent
from glass used in other windows at MSC.
Memo, Program Manager, LRL, to
Deputy Director, MSC, "Exterior windows of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory," Aug.
3, 1966.
August 3
MSC requested LaRC to study the visibility of the S-IVB/SLA
combination from the left-hand couch in the command module with the couch in the
docked position. (Two positions could be attained, one of them a docking and
rendezvous position that moved the seat into a better viewing area from the
left-hand window.) LM and CM mockups were already at Langley from the CM-active
moving-base docking simulation conducted May-July 1965.
The request was initiated because the flight crew had to rely on an out-
the-window reference of the S-IVB/SLA to verify separation of the LM/CSM
combination from the S-IVB/SLA. The question arose as to whether the
out-the-window reference was sufficient or whether an electromechanical device
with a panel readout in the CM was required to verify separation.
Ltr., Director, MSC, to LaRC, Attn: Floyd L. Thompson, Director, "Apollo
visibility study," Aug. 3, 1966.
August 3
NASA modified its contract with IBM to provide for work to be
performed under a multiple-incentive arrangement covering cost, performance,
schedule and equipment management. It also ordered the Real Time Computer
Complex (RTCC) at MSC to be converted to IBM System computers, which would
increase the operational capability for Apollo. The contract with IBM's Federal
Systems Division, Gaithersburg, Md., provided the computing capability required
for mission monitoring, inflight mission planning and simulation activities.
NASA News Release 66-205, "Apollo Complex to Be Converted in IBM Contract,"
Aug. 3, 1966.
August 5
Maxime A. Faget, MSC, informed Center Director Robert R.
Gilruth there was a continuing effort on lightweight, energy-absorbing, and
stowable net couches, and development had been redirected to a nonelastic fabric
net couch system attached to existing Apollo attenuation struts. North American
Aviation had previously been given the task of investigating the use of net
couches on Apollo. Results of that investigation indicated the spacecraft
attenuation-strut-vehicle attachments would be overloaded when using net
couches. The North American Aviation investigators made their calculations by
assuming no-man attenuation in the lateral and longitudinal force directions.
Those calculations were recomputed using the design criteria and proper loadings
and the results indicated no overloading when using net couches. MSC's Advanced
Spacecraft Technology Division had reviewed and approved the efforts, permitting
use of the net couches on Apollo and Apollo Applications missions.
Memo, Faget to Gilruth, "Net couches for Apollo or Apollo Applications
Missions," Aug. 5, 1966.
August 8
MSC requested Ames Research Center to conduct a manual control
simulation of the Saturn V upper stages with displays identical to those planned
in the spacecraft. On August 5, Brent Creer and Gordon Hardy of Ames had met
with representatives from ASPO, Guidance and Control Division, and Flight Crew
Operations Directorate to discuss implementation of a modified Ames simulation
which would determine feasibility of manual control from first stage burnout,
using existing spacecraft displays and control interfaces. Simulations at Ames
in 1965 had indicated that the Saturn V could be manually flown into orbit
within dispersions of 914 meters in altitude, and 0.1 degree in flight path
Ames responded on August 24 that setting up the flight simulator had been
initiated and that the project was proceeding according to a schedule arranged
by Warren J. North of MSC and Creer.
Memo, Chief, Flight Crew Support Div., "Saturn V. Manual Control," Aug. 8,
1966; ltrs., Robert R. Gilruth, Director MSC, to H. Julian Allen, Director, Ames
Research Center, Aug. 8, 1966; Allen to Gilruth, Aug. 24, 1966.
August 9
MSC worked out a program with LaRC for use of the Lunar Landing
Research Facility (LLRF) for preflight transition for LM flight crews before
free-flight training in the lunar landing training vehicle. LM hardware sent to
Langley to be used as training aids included two flight director attitude
indicators, an attitude controller assembly, a thrust-translation controller
assembly, and an altitude-rate meter.
Memo, George C. Franklin, MSC, to W. A. Lee, MSC, "Status of Lunar Module
hardware for Langley Research Center Lunar Landing Research Facility (LaRC
LLRF)," Aug. 9, 1966.
August 10 - September 14
Lunar Orbiter I was launched from
Cape Kennedy Launch Complex 13 at 3:26 p.m. EDT August 10 to photograph possible
Apollo landing sites from lunar orbit. The Atlas-Agena D launch vehicle injected
the spacecraft into its planned 90-hour trajectory to the moon. A midcourse
correction maneuver was made at 8 p.m. the next day; a planned second midcourse
maneuver was not necessary. A faultless deboost maneuver on August 14 achieved
the desired initial elliptic orbit around the moon, and one week later the
spacecraft was commanded to make a transfer maneuver to place it in a final
close-in elliptic orbit of the moon.
During the spacecraft's stay in the final close-in orbit, the gravitational
fields of the earth and the moon were expected to influence the orbital
elements. The influence was verified by spacecraft tracking data, which showed
that the perilune altitude varied with time. From an initial perilune altitude
of 58 kilometers, the perilune decreased to 49 kilometers. At this time an orbit
adjustment maneuver began an increase in the altitude, which was expected to
reach a maximum after three months and then begin to decrease again. The
spacecraft was expected to impact on the lunar surface about six months after
the orbit adjustment.
During the photo-acquisition phase of the flight, August 18 to 29,
Lunar Orbiter I photographed the 9 selected primary potential
Apollo landing sites, including the one in which Surveyor I landed;
7 other potential Apollo landing sites; the east limb of the moon; and 11 areas
on the far side of the moon. Lunar Orbiter I also took photos of
the earth, giving man the first view of the earth from the vicinity of the moon
(this particular view has been widely publicized). A total of 207 frames (sets
of medium- and high-resolution pictures) were taken, 38 while the spacecraft was
in initial orbit, the remainder while it was in the final close-in orbit.
Lunar Orbiter I achieved its mission objectives, and, with the
exception of the high-resolution camera, the performance of the photo subsystem
and other spacecraft subsystems was outstanding. At the completion of the photo
readouts, the spacecraft had responded to about 5,000 discrete commands from the
earth and had made about 700 maneuvers.
Photographs obtained during the mission were assessed and screened by
representatives of the Lunar Orbiter Project Office, U.S. Geological Survey, DOD
mapping agencies, MSC, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Memo, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications to
Administrator, "Lunar Orbiter I Post Launch Report," Oct. 20, 1966 (Mission
Operation Report S-814-66-01, Oct. 19, 1966).
August 11
MSC suggested that Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. redesign
the injector for the Bell Aerospace Go. ascent engine as a backup immediately.
The Center was aware of costs, but the seriousness of the injector fabrication
problem and the impact resulting from not having a backup was felt to be
justification for the decision.
TWX, MSC to Grumman, Aug. 11, 1966.
August 16
The mockup of LM test model No. 3 (TM-3) was shipped by
Super Guppy aircraft to Cape Kennedy, on the first trip of the
Super Guppy from Grumman, Bethpage, N.Y.
Memo, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and
Contracts Div., MSC, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending August
19, 1966," Aug. 24, 1966.
August 22
In a letter to the President of Westinghouse Electric Corp.,
George M. Low, Acting Director of MSC, expressed his concern about the lunar
television camera program. Low pointed out that Westinghouse had been awarded
the contract by MSC in October 1964, that delivery of the cameras was to be made
over a 15-month period, and that the total value of the original
cost-plus-fixed-fee contract was $2,296,249 including a fee of $150,300. The
cost reports required by the contract (at the time of Low's letter) showed that
Westinghouse estimated the cost to complete at $7,927,000 and estimated the
hardware delivery date as January 31, 1967. Low pointed out that the proposal
letter from Westinghouse in May 1964 stated that "the Aerospace Division
considers the Lunar Television Camera to represent a goal culminating years of
concentrated effort directed toward definition, design, and verification of
critical elements of this most important program. Accordingly, the management
assures NASA Manned Spacecraft Center that the program will be executed with
nothing less than top priority application of all personnel, facilities, and
management resources." Low said that despite these assurances the overrun and
schedule slippages indicated a lack of adequate program management at all levels
and a general lack of initiative in taking corrective actions to solve problems
Westinghouse replied to Low on September 1 that it, too, was disappointed
"when technology will not permit a research and development program such as this
to be completed within its original cost and schedule objectives." The reply
stated "Our people have taken every precaution - gone to the extreme, perhaps,
in its impact on cost and schedule - to achieve the required mission
reliability. . . ." The letter concluded by expressing pleasure in the harmony
that had existed between Westinghouse and MSC personnel and by praising the
performance of the Gemini rendezvous radar, holding it up as an objective for
excellence of performance for the lunar television camera.
Ltrs., Low to D. C. Burnham, President, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Aug. 22,
1966; Charles H. Weaver, Group Vice President, Atomic, Defense & Space
Group, Westinghouse Electric Corp., to Low, Sept. 1, 1966.
August 22
MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth requested of Jet Propulsion
Laboratory Director William H. Pickering that JPL fire the Surveyor spacecraft's
vernier engine after the Surveyor landed on moon, to give insight into how much
erosion could be expected from an LM landing. The LM descent engine was to
operate until it was about one nozzle diameter from landing on the lunar
surface; after the Surveyor landed, its engine would be about the same distance
from the surface. Gilruth told Pickering that LaRC was testing a reaction
control engine to establish surface shear pressure forces, surface pressures,
and back pressure sources, and offered JPL that data when obtained.
Ltr., Gilruth to Pickering, "Surveyor spacecraft experiments," Aug. 22, 1966.
August 22
NASA informed four firms that had completed design studies on
the Apollo experiment pallet that there would be no hardware development and
fabrication of the pallet. The four firms had been selected in November 1965 to
make four-month studies of a pallet to carry experiments in the spacecraft SM
during the Apollo manned lunar landings. The firms were Lockheed Missiles and
Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif.; The Martin Co., Denver, Colo.; McDonnell Aircraft
Corp., St. Louis, Mo.; and Northrop Space Laboratories, Hawthorne, Calif. (See
April 15.)
NASA News Release 66-224, "Apollo Pallet Development Phase Vetoed," Aug. 22,
August 25
The unmanned suborbital Apollo-Saturn 202 mission was
successfully flown - the third Saturn IB flight test and the second CM
heatshield flight test. The 202 included an uprated Saturn I (Saturn IB) launch
vehicle (S-IB stage, S-IVB stage, and instrument unit) and the Apollo 011
spacecraft (spacecraft-lunar module adapter, service module, command module, and
launch escape system). Liftoff was from Launch Complex 34 at Cape Kennedy at
1:15 p.m. EDT. The command module landed safely in the southwest Pacific Ocean,
near Wake Island 1 hour 33 minutes after liftoff. It was recovered by the U.S.S.
Hornet about 370 kilometers uprange from the recovery ship.
Spacecraft 011 was essentially a Block I spacecraft with the following
exceptions: couches, crew equipment, and the cabin postlanding ventilation were
omitted; and three auxiliary batteries, a mission control programmer, four
cameras, and flight qualification instrumentation were added.
Of six primary test objectives assigned to the mission (see Appendix 5), the
objectives for the environmental control, electrical power, and communications
subsystems were not completely satisfied. All other spacecraft test objectives
were successfully accomplished.
"MSC-A-R-66-5, Postlaunch Report for Mission AS-202 (Apollo Spacecraft 011),"
MSC, Oct. 12, 1966, pp. 1-1, 2-1, 3-1; memo, Associate Administrator for Manned
Space Flight to Administrator, "Apollo Saturn Flight Mission AS-202, Post Launch
Report No. 1" (Mission Operations Report M-932-66-03), Sept. 1, 1966.
Week Ending August 26
The Bethpage RASPO Business Manager and Grumman
representatives met to choose a vendor to produce the orbital rate drive
electronics for Apollo and LM (ORDEAL). Three proposals were received: Arma
Division of American Bosch Arma Corp., $275,000; Kearfott Products Division of
General Precision, Inc., $295,000; and Bendix Corp., $715,000. Kearfott's
proposal was evaluated as offering a more desirable weight, more certain
delivery, and smaller size within the power budget and consequently was selected
although it was not the low bid. Evaluators believed that Arma's approach would
not be easy to implement, that its delivery schedule was unrealistic, and that
its proposal lacked a definite work statement in the areas of testing, quality
control, reliability, and documentation.
Memo, Frank X. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and
Contracts Div., MSC, "Weekly Activity Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending August
26, 1966," Aug. 31, 1966.
August 26
Because of the reported NASA OMSF rejection of funding
responsibility for prototyping and equipping the Lunar Receiving Laboratory
(LRL) and the strong NASA Office of Space Science and Applications concern over
the quarantine facilities and techniques, Craig K. Peper of OSSA suggested that
- each concerned program office make a scientific review of OMSF's proposal
for facility construction to determine its adequacy to meet the scientific
requirements and
- from those reviews the Director of Manned Space Flight Experiments, OSSA,
would submit to the Associate Administrator, OSSA, a consolidated
recommendation on additional requirements to satisfy the scientific standards
the LRL facilities must meet.
Memo, Peper, NASA Hq., to Director,
Manned Flight Experiments, OSSA, "Lunar Receiving Laboratory," Aug. 26, 1966.
August 29
MSC's Flight Crew Support Division prepared an operations plan
describing division support of flight experiments. Activities planned would give
operational support to both flight crew and experimenters. Crew training,
procedures development, and integration, mission-time support, and postmission
debriefings were discussed in detail.
Memo, Warren J. North, MSC, to Technical Assistant for Apollo, "Flight
Experiments Operations Plan of the Flight Crew Support Division," Aug. 22, 1966.
August 30
Because the Apollo Mission Simulator (AMS) was one of the
pacing items in the Apollo Block II flight program, a critical constraint upon
operational readiness was the availability of Government-furnished equipment
(GFE) to the AMS contractor, General Precision's Link Group. For that reason MSC
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea asked A. L. Brady, Chief of the Apollo Mission
Simulator Office, to establish controls to ensure that GFE items were provided
to Link in time to support the program. He requested that an individual be
appointed to be responsible for each item and that a weekly report on the status
be submitted on each item.
Memo, Shea to Manager, Apollo Mission Simulator Program, "GFE Support to AMS
Block II Modifications," Aug. 30, 1966.
August 31
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton
informed ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea that total management during thermal vacuum
testing of spacecraft 008 was inadequate, resulting in misunderstandings between
personnel and organizational groups concerned with the test. Slayton offered a
number of suggestions for future, similar tests:
- Overall planning policies and practices should be reviewed and further
defined before commitment of future test crews.
- Timeline testing philosophy was not realistic or practical in a one- g
environment. It was mandatory that test plans be developed with maximum data
gain and minimum crew and hardware risks consistent with overall program
objectives. For example, long thermal responses during manned tests.
- A crew systems operations office should be established within the Space
Environmental Simulation Laboratory to tie down the interface between crew,
hardware, and management. Its scope of operation should include
representation, training, and scheduling.
- The Environmental Medicine Office should define all crew and test medical
requirements before crew selection. To help in this area, a flight surgeon
should be assigned to each vehicle's prime and backup crews, to ensure
adequate knowledge of crew members and test objectives for training and the
real-time mission.
- It must be recognized that test crew participation in thermal vacuum
testing was completely voluntary and that each member volunteering must weigh
the hazards of such testing against the benefits to the program in general and
his welfare in particular.
Memo, Slayton to Shea, "Management
improvement of follow-on thermal vacuum testing," Aug. 31, 1966.
In response to a query from NASA Deputy
Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Associate Administrator for Space Science
and Applications Homer E. Newell said that no laboratories had been selected for
receiving lunar materials but proposals had been solicited and were in process
of review. Newell said the lunar samples fell under the planetary and planetary
biology disciplines primarily. The Planetary Biology Subcommittee of the Space
Science Steering Committee had four working groups evaluating the proposals
geophysics, geochemistry, geology, and Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL). The
working groups were expected to complete their evaluations in September and,
following review by the program office, recommendations would be prepared for
the Space Science Steering Committee. Following appropriate review by that
Committee, Newell would select the Principal Investigators for approved
Funding for the analyses could be determined only after selections had been
made, but budget estimates for that purpose had been made for $2 million in FY
1968 and $6 million in FY 1969, exclusive of laboratory upgrading and funding of
the LRL. As a part of the continuing research effort, 33 laboratories had
received support during 1966 for upgrading their ability to handle and examine
lunar material. Newell added that 125 proposals for handling lunar material had
been received and were under review.
Memo, Newell to Seamans, "Lunar Sample Analysis Program," Sept. 7, 1966.
September 14
MSC Deputy Director George M. Low submitted information to
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller on
manpower requirements and operating costs for testing in MSC's large thermal
vacuum chamber. Spacecraft 008 testing reflected a manpower cost (civil service
and contractor) of $7,034,000, chamber operating cost of $321,000, and material
costs of $277,000. The spacecraft had been in the chamber 83 days, during which
time a 92-hour unmanned test and a 163-hour manned test had been conducted.
Ltr., Low to Mueller, Sept. 14, 1966.
September 20
Surveyor II was launched from Cape Kennedy at
8:32 a.m. EDT. The Atlas-Centaur launch vehicle placed the spacecraft on a
nearly perfect lunar intercept trajectory that would have missed the aim point
by about 130 kilometers. Following injection, the spacecraft successfully
accomplished all required sequences up to the midcourse thrust phase. This phase
was not successful because of the failure of one of the three vernier engines to
ignite, causing eventual loss of the mission. Contact with the spacecraft was
lost at 5:35 a.m. EDT, September 22, and impact on the lunar surface was
predicted at 11:18 p.m. on that day.
Memo, Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications to
Administrator. "Surveyor II Lunar Flight Project, Post Launch Report No. 1,"
Oct. 7, 1966 (Mission Operation Report S-803-66-02).
September 21
NASA awarded a $4.2-million contract to Honeywell, Inc.,
Computer Control Division, Framingham, Mass., to provide digital computer
systems for Apollo command and lunar module simulators. Under the fixed-price
contract, Honeywell would provide six separate computer complexes to support the
Apollo simulators at MSC and Cape Kennedy. The complexes would be delivered,
installed, and checked out by Honeywell by the end of March 1967.
NASA News Release 66-254, Sept. 21, 1966.
September 23
A Planning Coordination Steering Group at NASA Hq. received
program options from working groups established to coordinate long-range
planning in life sciences, earth-oriented applications, astronomy, lunar
exploration, and planetary exploration. The Steering Group recommended serious
consideration be given a four-phase exploration program using unmanned Lunar
Orbiters, Surveyors, and manned lunar surface exploration. The first phase,
consisting of Ranger, Surveyor, Orbiter, and the initial Apollo landing was
under way. The second phase would match the Apollo Applications program and
would extend surface sampling and geologic mapping beyond the walking capability
of a suited astronaut. The group recommended this phase launch one 14-day
two-man mission per year beginning in 1970, with one or two Surveyors, and one
unmanned Orbiter per year. The third phase would consist of one three-man 90-day
mission per year. The final phase would consist of semipermanent manned
Memo, Edgar M. Cortright, Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., James C. Elms, and Gerald M.
Truszynski, Cochairmen, Planning Coordination Steering Group, to Associate
Deputy Administrator, "Preliminary Reports of Working Groups," Sept. 23, 1966.
September 28
NASA Hq. informed MSC that the second phase of the vacuum
system in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory ($480,200) was to be deferred because
of the austerity of the NASA FY 1967 program. MSC was instructed, however, that
sufficient redundancy in the central vacuum pumping systems should be provided
to ensure the highest degree of reliability.
TWX, NASA Hq., to MSC, "Lunar Receiving Laboratory," Sept. 28, 1966.
September 28
MSC ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea wrote Grumman Aircraft
Engineering Corp. Senior Vice President George F. Titterton that he was
encouraged by the good start Grumman had made on work packages for the LM
program, which he hoped had set the stage for effective action to curtail the
creeping cost escalation that had characterized the program during the past
year. He said: "To me, the most striking point noted in engineering activities
projected a relatively high change rate from vehicle to vehicle, even though the
program logic calls for identical vehicles from LM 4 on, and minimum change from
LM 3 to LM 4. This, too, was apparent in the engineering related activities. The
only changes which should be planned for are those rising from hardware
deficiencies found in ground or flight test, or those resulting from NASA
directed changes."
Shea had written to Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., Grumman Vice President and LEM
Program Manager, in April concerning cost escalation. He had said "A significant
amount of the planning for your contract is based upon management commitments
made to us by Grumman . . . [and] your estimates have helped significantly (and
indeed are still changing) and currently significantly exceed the amounts upon
which our budget has been based." In another letter, in September, to Grumman
President L. J. Evans, Shea remarked: "The result of our fiscal review with your
people last week was somewhat encouraging. It reconfirmed my conviction that
Grumman can do the program without the cost increases which you have been
recently indicating, and, depending on how much difficulty we have with the
qualification of our flight systems, perhaps even with some additional cost
In a November letter to Titterton, Shea again referred to work packages and
reaffirmed that permission to exceed approved monthly levels should be granted
only by the LM Program Office. He said, "Unless this discipline is enforced
throughout the Grumman in-house and subcontract structure, the work packages
could turn out to be interesting pieces of paper which contain the information
as to what might have been done, rather than the basis for program management."
Ltrs., Shea to Gavin, Apr. 14, 1966; Shea to Evans, Sept. 19, 1966; Shea to
Titterton, Sept. 28, 1966; Nov. 18, 1966.
September 29
The second planned manned Apollo flight crew was named by
NASA. Prime crew members were Walter M. Schirra, Jr., command pilot; Donn F.
Eisele, senior pilot; and R. Walter Cunningham, pilot. Backup crewmen were Frank
Borman, command pilot; Thomas P. Stafford, senior pilot; and Michael Collins,
pilot. The flight was scheduled for 1967. It would be the first space mission
for Eisele and Cunningham.
The second manned Apollo mission was planned as an open-ended earth orbital
mission up to 14 days. Increased emphasis on scientific experiments as well as
repeating some activities from the first planned manned flight would
characterize the mission. [The first planned manned Apollo mission was ended by
a tragic accident during a test January 27, 1967.]
NASA News Release 66-260, Sept. 29, 1966.
Week Ending September 30
LM test model TM-6 and test article LTA-10 were
shipped from Grumman on the Pregnant Guppy aircraft. When the
Guppy carrying the LTA-10 stopped at Dover, Del., for refueling, a
fire broke out inside the aircraft, but it was discovered in time to prevent
damage to the LM test article.
Memo, Frank W. Battersby to Chief, Apollo Procurement Br., Procurement and
Contracts Div., MSC, "Weekly Activities Report, BMR Bethpage, Week Ending
September 30, 1966," Oct. 4, 1966.